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inova Semiconductors

inova Semiconductors

位于德国慕尼黑的 Inova Semiconductors 自创立以来持续投入于高速通讯技术之开发,并成功应用在各类型的资讯娱乐系统(infotainment)。凡举早期的各项大行公共运输建设,如香港机场快线 (Airport Express) 及美国纽约纽新航港局的哈德逊河底捷运系统 (PATH) 皆见得到Inova传输技术的身影。 2007年,Inova首次于发表「无压缩、实时高速」的影音与资讯传输技术APIX (Automotive PIXel link)。 APIX优益的EMC表现使其成为车用市场的热门宠儿,目前已应用于众多知名国际车厂,并有越来越多的车用品牌陆续导入。

APIX的技术,不仅实现了在汽车内传递高解析度影片的可能。利用同一条线材,更可同时传递声音讯号、控制讯号,以及Ethernet乙太网路讯号,节省可观成本,提供车厂最大的弹性进行各种资讯娱乐系统的应用开发,增进和使用者的互动体验。实时双向双工的规格,更保障了行车安全,可让研发人员在开发主动式行车安全与先进驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS) 时如虎添翼。

2017年,Inova Semiconductors 发表了最新的 APIX3 技术,可支援传输频宽高达12 Gpbs。现今无论是车用市场对影音解析度要求日益升高,亦或是对智能汽车、无人驾驶科技的引颈期待,都须仰赖稳定的高诉通讯技术,才能实现梦想。 APIX将会是市场上对影音与资讯传输需求的最佳解答。


2016年末,Inova Semiconductors 更全新发表「ISELED」:数位LED灯技术。 Inova 将其长年高速讯号传输的经验,转移至LED照明产业,将分差讯号控制技术的裸晶片植入每一颗RGB LED模组,不但能更灵活地控制色彩与明亮的变化,更能替LED制造厂,进而终端客户(例如车厂)因省去繁覆工序而节省成本。

Inova Semiconductors GmbH is a fabless semiconductor manufacturer headquartered in Munich, Germany. The company was founded in 1999 and specializes in the development of state-of-the-art products for Gigabit/s serial data communication. The products are manufactured at leading factories in Europe and Asia and sold through a widespread world-wide distribution network.

Pioneering Digital Display Links

With the introduction of its first product in 2000 - the GigaSTaR link - the company has been focusing on the interconnection between graphic sources and displays. The unique capability of establishing reliable long-distance display links - either through STP copper or fiber optic cable also in harsh environmental conditions - has made the GigaSTaR link technology popular in the industry. On production floors, it connects displays with computers across distances of up to 50 meters, transmitting digital graphics together with the signals of the common Universal Serial Bus (USB).

GigaSTaR enables simple and loss-free signal repetition (repeaters). The technology is also employed in passenger infotainment systems in trains, buses, subways and other public transportation means. The ability to deliver graphic signals in perfect digital quality from one single source (= video server) to 60 and more TFT displays throughout the train has made GigaSTaR the preferred technology for so called passenger infotainment systems among major train manufacturers and equipment suppliers around the world.

With the launch of the “Digital Display Link (DDL)” in 2003, Inova Semiconductors has added another product to its portfolio that is even more dedicated to display applications. The DDL’s built-in return channel plus extra bi-directional sideband channels provide for applications in which additional signals - like analog/digital audio, RS232, PS/2 or even USB - have to be transmitted in addition to the digital video signal (DVI), e.g. for digital KVM extenders, “digital signage” applications or LED video walls.

Making it into the Car

In 2007, Inova Semiconductors added a new product to its portfolio, the “APIX” (Automotive Pixel Link), designed to fulfill the demands of high-resolution in-car video applications. Meeting the highest automotive EMI requirements, APIX can be used to establish multiple display links with a bandwidth of up to one Gbit/s over a single pair of copper cable. Adjustable output drive and preemphasis current facilitate the adaptation to various cables and distances of below one to more than 15 meters.

In addition to connecting TFT displays to graphic units, the APIX link can also be used to connect CCD/CMOS camera sensors of upcoming single-/multi-view driver assistance systems to a central processor unit or directly to a TFT display, e.g. for rear-drive cameras. Similar to the GigaSTaR technology, the APIX products feature built-in bi-directional sideband channels which provide for the transmission of additional control signals at a data rate of up to 18 Mbit/s. This way, a remote camera link can be established. The camera signal, bi-directional I²C bus plus the supply for the camera require no more than a tiny two-pair copper cable.

The APIX INAP125T/R24/12 devices are AEC-Q100 qualified and “on the road” in first automobiles as of 2008. Fujitsu Microelectronics is providing graphic- and display-controller products that feature an integrated APIX. In 2011 the first cars with the second generation APIX2 technology based on the INAP375T/R devices were available. In addition to Fujitsu Semiconductors, Analog Devices became a licensee of the APIX2 IP supporting the growth of APIX in the market.

The APIX link has not only proven to be the ideal solution for video and network applications in cars. It has also aroused a lot of interest in other market segments, such as security & surveillance, as well as medical applications or consumer camera systems.

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